TL:DR Odysseo by Cavalia… Stop what you are doing right now and book your tickets. (Don’t worry, I’ll wait here.) You only have until March 12 to catch this phenomenal show in Vancouver, BC. Still not convinced? Use the promo code: SOCIAL via this link to get up to 15%.
Are the VIP tickets are worth it? Yes, they really are. The VIP tent is massive, the food and drinks seem endless and the dessert… the VIP tickets are worth getting just for the dessert. Oh and you get to meet the horses too.
Not sure who you should bring? Significant other, friend, family, kids of all ages, or just bring yourself! Go…
You’ve booked your tickets? Yes? Okay let’s continue.
I love circus. It’s almost an addiction. West Coast Flying Trapeze in Pitt Meadows, BC is my happy place where I get to fly and forget about the worries of the world. I have seen a majority of the Cirque du Soleil shows across North America, and our family vacations often centre around which resort has circus related activities. When I heard there was a new big top in town and it combined horses into the act, I had to check it out.
The show opens with the horses entering and roaming about the stage freely. This theme of the horses roaming free continues throughout the show. The artists and trainers, while amazing themselves, seamlessly blend into the background, confident in their relationship with the team, and happily let the horses shine like proud parents. I can only imaging the countless hours of training and care to make it look so effortless.

First Act – The Herd
I was surprised of how calm the show felt; coming from someone who is quite nervous around horses this is a big deal. It is a strange paradox to be sitting on the edge of my seat yet overcome with the calmness and emotion between the performers and the horses.
In one act the horses are in full gallop as the performers hang upside down off the side of the horse. My first time on a horse was when I was 11 years old; a birthday party trail ride turned into me clinging on the back of a spooked horse for a few miles. Horsepower is impressive and scary. These riders are extremely skilled and possibly a tad bit crazy… but that’s usually what we think of those who choose, and obviously love, to do the things that scare us the most.
The stage: A 17,500 square foot stage in the middle of which rises a three-story tall hill. Some 10,000 tons of Vancouver and lower-mainland rock, earth and sand has been trucked in and sculpted to create the vast space of freedom. I was taken aback by how seamlessly the sand and dirt are transformed into various terrains from all over the world. An outstanding job by the lighting designer, technical director and team.

Standing at the top of the three story high stage.

Standing at the midway point down stage.
Living with a lighting designer for many years opened my eyes to the technical and visual effects of every show I watch. While everyone else looks at the stage during the performance, my eyes are usually skyward looking at the technical grid. Above the Odysseo stage hangs an impressive technical grid capable of supporting 80 tons of equipment including, a merry-go-round, yes, thats right… a full-sized.merry-go-round!
The merry-go-round is as beautiful as the acts performed on it. My daughter asked a few times if the performers had glue on their feet and costumes to help keep them attached on the pole. She uttered her disbelief in a way thats not very polite to write here but know that she was extremely impressed.
Cavalia will be taking a special part of our city with them as they continue their tour. Vancouver’s own Michelle Sargent was recently chosen to begin touring with Cavalia in China over the next two years. Michelle recently performed a beautiful lyra routine at West Coast Flying Trapeze’s Heps for Hearts: A Night at the Circus in support of the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Wishing you all the best Michelle!
Bottom line: Go see it!
PS: My daughter wants me to mention the stuffed toy horses in the gift shop need to be adopted. Apparently the toys get quite lonely not sleeping with the rest of the horses in the stables. The sky runner shoes are also “awesome!”

Horses for adoption and super cool SkyRunner shoes.
@Cavalia: #OdysseoYVR

Andrea Moalic

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