Interested in sharing your creative side with us and the rest of the world? Please read over the guidelines listed here and complete the application if you think you are a good fit.
Creative Sides Contributor Guidelines
If you are chosen as a contributor, you will be asked to provide 1 original post per month, in addition to submitting existing work for syndication. Your original post may not be republished on any other site and may not contain any sponsored or affiliate links. Your syndicated work may ONLY appear on your blog and no where else. You will be provided with a biography including web and social media links to the URLs of your choosing, and any syndicated work will have a footnote linking to the original post.
All posts require at least 1 image to be provided, landscape layout preferred. All images must be properly attributed and not infringe on any copyright laws.
All posts will be reviewed for editing purposes, so please don’t be offended if we make some minor changes. Editing this website is a full time job so please be mindful of spelling, grammar and SEO when crafting your posts.
We are excited to build a community with you so you will be invited to join a private Facebook group where we provide support and mentoring, answer questions, share blogging opportunities generally and get to know each other better. We ask all contributors to share other contributor posts a minimum of 4 times per month, being sure to tag their social media handles in the sharing so we can all build each other up.
This is not currently a paid position, however we work hard to provide you with opportunities to participate in paid and product compensated sponsored campaigns. You will be able to opt in or out as it works for you.
Guest Posts
If you aren’t sure you can commit to monthly posts, we welcome you to submit a guest post for our consideration. We only accept original pieces for guest posts, it may not be republished on any other site and may not contain any sponsored or affiliate links. At this time we only accept syndicated work from our regular contributors.
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a contributor or submitting a guest post. We look forward to hearing from you!