Try as I might, I’m unable to embrace the crafty life with my son. Part of the problem is that at four years old, he’s still in the “flings things around with reckless abandon” stage and part of the problem is that glitter is evil. I want to do arts and crafts with my kid, I just don’t want to be cleaning up after arts and crafts for weeks after the glue is dried and the pompoms have been put away.
This easter egg craft is quick and easy and perfect for the preschool set. You can modify it with glitter and sequins and all sorts of fun and flashy embellishments, or you can preserve your sanity and leave it plain and simple like I did.
What you’ll need:
Scrapbook paper in fun, colourful prints
Embroidery floss
Small beads (check out the clearance bin at the craft store – you can usually find beads there)
Easter egg template (or you can freehand it if you’ve got skills. I bought a $1 Easter egg chalkboard at the craft store and used it to trace my eggs)
Glue sticks
What you do:
Step 1: Trace and cut out eggs from your scrapbook paper. You need two egg cutouts to make one egg. My son had a blast picking out different print combinations.
Step 2: Cut pieces of embroidery floss that are double the length of your eggs PLUS about 6 inches so your eggs will hang nicely. Fold a piece in half and knot at the bottom so you’ve formed a big loop. String a bead over your loop, down to your first knot, and make another knot right about it.
Step 3: Now for the fun. Hand your mini crafter one egg cutout and a glue stick and tell them to go nuts. Apply glue all over the non-patterned side of the egg cutout.
Step 4: Place your loop vertically in the centre of the egg with the bead at the bottom.
Step 5: Top with another egg cutout. Tie a knot right above the top of the egg. String another bead over your loop right down to the knot and tie another knot right above it. You can decorate your eggs with glitz and glam or write on them to make cute Easter cards. Hang your eggs wherever you need a little springtime cheer.

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